Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 20, 2011  |  0 comments
After last weeks poor draw at woodlands I was really looking forward to getting back up there and was looking for a good draw. There were plenty of anglers on the match so Kamasan points were on offer and also I’m doing well in the County Champs tables so was looking for a few points. I drew peg 15 on Skylark, HAPPY DAYS. This has been a consistent area all winter and the main shoal lives in that area.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 20, 2011  |  0 comments
Well Saturday was the big day for my Ultimate Barnsley Blacks team as it was to be one of our most important matches of the year. Semi finals are always tense affairs and with this one being at Woodlands Nr Thirsk it was always going to be a peggy match to say the least! All we could hope for was a decent draw and a good team performance. We got the good draw that we needed and one that we were confident of qualifying from. I got massively luck and actually drew Skylark 15 AGAIN! I was almost embarrassed when Lee handed me my draw but I had a job to do and with the pegging being very tight I didn’t think I would need a big weight to win the section.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 20, 2011  |  0 comments
With my busy schedule with work and with the Dynamite Baits festival coming up at White Acres, I decided to have a bit of time off this weekend. I did however manage to sneak a couple of hours in last night after work. I decided to have a short session at The Banks fishery at Barby, Jon, Tom and I had a walk around last week and I was really impressed with the venue. It is a 106-peg snake lake that is very diverse, there is a long straight that used to be an old canal and then the fishery turns into a very twisty snake lake with lots of little arms.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 20, 2011  |  0 comments
Well it has just been that time of the year when hundreds of anglers make their pilgrimage to sunny Cornwall (well sometimes anyway) for a crack at the White Acres festivals. I try to do at two festivals a year but after missing last years Preston festival due to work commitments (the one where sharing partner Lee kerry netted a cool £29K) I was really keen to get back. I have quite a good record at White Acres so I always give it my all to make that continue. The main thing about the ‘Acres’ is that you need a run of draws that give you a chance to compete.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 20, 2011  |  0 comments
It has been a while since my last blog, but it has been a couple of months filled with activity here at DHP towers! First we said goodbye to Dave Harrell who left his post here at Match Fishing to pursue other interests. This was a shock to us all and I know that many people will miss him. Luckily we have managed to snare Alex Bones, who I’m sure plenty of you will know for his hair cut, and the bit of fishing that he does occasionally! Alex will be a great asset to the mag and hopefully we can go from strength to strength and keep improving the mag! Anyway I have had an up and down few weeks fishing. Spawning fish have made lakes fish poor and go very peggy and I seem to have avoided the fish more than normal! I have managed a win and a second up at the Oaks but this week saw the frustration return!Saturday saw me on Cedar Lake.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jul 20, 2011  |  0 comments
Welcome to my first blog entry as I’ve now returned to Match Fishing magazine as editor, after leaving just over 7 years ago. From the September issue onwards I’ll be at the helm with the highly respected Joe Carass as my wingman. I’ll be making some considerable changes to the magazine and you’ll see the return of some faces who’ve not appeared in MF for a while. So what’ve I been up to over the last few weeks?.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jun 30, 2011  |  0 comments
The long haul to the final of the prestigious Maver Classic 2011 took place on Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd May 2011. In all over 60 qualifier matches commencing in October 2010 and finishing in late April 2011 took place. 104 finalists took part at Larford’s Match, Arena and Specimen lakes. Conditions were however far from perfect with a severe northerly wind making conditions near impossible for pole and float fishing.
Match Fishing Staff  |  Jun 29, 2011  |  0 comments
Welcome to my first ever blog for the Match fishing magazine website!Over the next few months I will try and talk you through the trials and tribulations of being a modern day match angler. My blog will be a ‘warts ‘n’ all’ account of my latest matches and I wont hold anything back (even if I don’t catch much!) To open my account I will start by talking about the latest round of the Garbolino/Sensas International rules match that Darren Cox and Sean Ashby run. It was going to be the third round, this was to be held at Gold Valley and with my Barnsley Blacks team winning the league we definitely had to try our best to get a good result. On the Friday before the match we had a little practice and worked out that the match was going to be extremely hard, but luckily we had sussed out that perch were going to be the target species and these would be what we primarily fished for.
Match Fishing Staff  |  May 24, 2011  |  0 comments
When Roy Marlow tells you that a groundbait is the best-selling mix in the world, you have to sit up and take notice. EFG161 is a Method mix that is designed for use in cold water. It has a controlled breakdown speed so will gradually release attractants into your swim. RRP £6.
Match Fishing Staff  |  May 23, 2011  |  0 comments
Chief tester Roger Mortimore has handled many reels over the years and is impressed with the build quality and performance of the new Akios range. When three Akios multiplier reels arrived on my desk – the smaller 656CTM and the larger 757CTM and 757CS – my first impression was how solid they felt. When I removed the side plates for a closer inspection, I could see that they are extremely well made from quality materials. There are currently six reels in the stable; three in the 656 size – the CS, CT and CTM for shore and light boat fishing – and three of the larger 757 size for boat or heavy shore fishing, also CS, CT and CTM.
