Thursday Kobra Open

Thursday Kobra Open result

Location of match:
Thames & Avons, Dynamite Makins
Date of match: 12/07/12
Number of pegs/anglers: 32

Report: The top two, Lee Ensall & Sam Brown were fish for fish on Avon pegs 21 and 23, both catching on pellet presented on the pole, Lee finally edging it by a mere 8 oz. His travelling partner, Lee Westwood was top weight on Thames with 60-12 from peg 7.

Top 5 anglers and weights:
1: Lee ENSALL - Litchfield Weight: 69-04
2: Sam BROWN - Team Makins Weight: 68-12
3: Lee WESTWOOD - Litchfield Weight: 60-12
4: Rob MATTHERS - West Lodge MG Weight: 51-02
5: Wayne CARTER - Mental Baits Weight: 44-08