Thursday Kobra Open

Location of match: Derwent & Thames, Dynamite Makins

Date of match: 02/08/12
Number of pegs/anglers: 22

Report: John Adamson made it two wins in two days with his 15 carp catch from peg 28 on Derwent, taken switching from long pole and meat, paste down the track and method feeder. Andy Searle took his fish on pole and corn from Derwent peg 20.

Top 5 anglers and weights:
1: John ADAMSON - Kobra Feeders & LEVAS Weight: 64-08
2: Andy SEARLE - Middy Tackle Weight: 56-04
3: Steve BRINDLEY - Attleborough Sports Weight: 37-12
4: Lee WESTWOOD - Litchfield Weight: 32-04
5: Tom NEIL - Leicester Weight: 29-10