Wednesday Kobra Open

Location of match: Lake Two, Dynamite Makins Fishery

Date of match: 25/07/12
Number of pegs/anglers: 26

Lake Two fished well in all areas with catches containing mainly carp of all sizes and bream. Winner, on A8, caught on method feeder fished to island for 24 carp and 9 bream, whist runner up, on B11, included 60-00 of bream (taken on feeder) in his catch.

Top 5 anglers and weights:
1: John ADAMSON - Kobra Feeders & LEVAS Weight: 139-12
2: Mick TIMSON - Dynamite Makins Weight: 90-10
3: Charlie SHAW - Derby Fishermania Weight: 83-12
4: Ben LOCKWOOD - Sensas A4 Weight: 70-10
5: Barry DUGGAN - Warwick Porto Weight: 69-14