Wednesday Kobra Open

Location of match: Lake Two, Dynamite Makins Fishery

Date of match: 08/08/12
Number of pegs/anglers: 21

John Adamson continued his Wednesday form with another win, this time with 16 carp, 4 bream and a goldfish all on method feeder from peg A15. Mick Timson was second from peg A5, Ian Hughes third from B19.

Top 5 anglers and weights:
1: John ADAMSON - Kobra Feeders & LEVAS Weight: 95-08
2: Mick TIMSON - Dynamite Makins Weight: 81-04
3: Ian HUGHES - Browning Central Weight: 79-12
4: Charlie SHAW - Derby Fishermania Weight: 55-08
5: Barry DUGGAN - Warwick Porto Weight: 49-02