£799 for a back up pole? Or is there more to it than that? We check out the Browning Sphere Zero-G Power Partner!
For me, having used it numerous times, the Browning Sphere Zero-G is the most impressive pole on the market. I don’t say that lightly as there are so many incredible poles out there. But The Sphere is just unbelievable and for me set a new benchmark in terms of performance.
If there was one slight asterisk surrounding the Sphere, and it’s completely unfounded by the way, is its strength.
Joe Carass gets on the bank with this stunning looking range of rods from Browning.
I am a huge fan of Browning rods. Having used the Black Viper MK2 range extensively over the last 18 months, I have been drawn into seriously checking out all of the other rods in the range.
The Silverlite rods were a range that definitely intrigued me.
Spliced-Tip Special!
Over a year ago my good friend Adam Richards rang me with an excited tone in his voice. He had received a sample of a new rod designed for river fishing. Adam has turned into quite the river angler over the past few years and he was quick to tell me that they were Sphere rods too!
Sphere has been an interesting concept. Browning has essentially produced some of the finest rods on the market and more recently one of the very best poles ever made.